Oh Christian Arise!
The moral state of our generation and future generations is at stake. In this increasingly secular world we are finding it difficult to define Truth. Society is making it up as they go along. Which is foolishness. Truth is now a matter of personal choice and perspective to many. Even among some who populate our churches. We hear modern day phrases bantered about today: my truth and you’re truth. Every point of view must be counted the same whether opinion or not! Moral absolutes have become a thing of the past and old fashion! Mario Murillo the evangelist says,” America and much of the world is being torn apart and battered into submission and molded into some ugly weak version of herself.” I agree
But what is the solution? – I believe it lies in the hearts and minds of all true Christians.
I don’t think most of us want to face the fact that America is fading. The reality is so.
Although public discourse is reaching the bottom of barrel there is no hope without a sweeping return to God. We are armed with the TRUTH.
Christians Arise!
A man, women or child of God must be entirely at God’s disposal for what God has called them to do. The question we must ask ourselves is are we listening? Is God specially calling you to a specific calling. Is God calling you to reach and teach or is he calling you to give sacrificially so others can go? Is he asking you to be a mighty prayer warrior. Is he asking you to do something you have been putting off? God has called Beth are part of a Army who’s goal is to reach every child, everywhere and everyday. (www.cefonline.com www.bbexcellentadventure.com
God may be calling you to join our team or not but I do know he has something very special for you to do although possibly different. God has something for you to do. Henry Blackabye says, “Look for where God is working and join Him.”
This is a time for us as Christian warriors to ask and obey.
1.Start by praying and asking God to fill your heart with His guiding Holy Spirit.
William Booth the founder of the salvation army said it so well, he said, “I consider the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness with the holy spirit will provide wisdom direction and discernment.”
Be encouraged be bold and be aggressive! God himself is with you!!!!
2. Share the gospel. 3.Learn the verses in the Bible today to share the redemption for mankind.- then be prepared to be used. Franklin Graham recently stated” The Scripture is God’s revelation to man and it stands as the absolute unrivaled authority over every domain of life.”
You are the lights in the darkness as His witnesses. 4. Become a radical for Jesus now! And watch the impact you will have on the kingdom and our world as he speaks and acts through you.