As we look around us today, we have history of the past to enlighten us, understand failures, losses and successes. It allows us to set standards and even proclaim “it” will never happen again. Sometimes we learn, but more often we forget and doom ourselves to repeating the past. Learning is an interesting concept. Learning from the past is even more pertinent. In light of recent polls showing the appeal of socialism among the millennials. The recent congressional elections are showing the attraction to government solutions and dictated equality of outcomes for all. There were numerous political leaders elected in this past election that want a “new” direction in our country, and the establishment and acceptance of what we as a people once recognized as immoral and unwise. It is not unusual to hear harsh and vulgar language as this new breed attacks the very foundations of any faith or love for God. Millennials are taught the beauty of the theory of socialism, but history shows us it’s disaster. As Beth was teaching children, the bell rang out to notify the children that the school was having an earthquake drill. The children filed out after hearing the distinct alarm and gathered in the school play yard. One of the children turned to her and said “Mrs Vogel, did we just have an earthquake? “ Beth responded no, but then it dawned on Beth ..these children have never experienced an earthquake. These little ones had never felt the shaking or observed the damage from the natural disaster. Beth realized they had no history of the experience that she had seen up close and personal. The drill itself was mistaken for the earthquake. Polls show the millennial generation believes capitalism is a failure and that America is not exceptional, but in fact imperialistic and self serving. Millennials, according to the University of Chicago Genforward survey points out; 62% percent think “we need a strong government to handle today’s complex economic problems and 45% of this group have a positive view of socialism. Socialism gets even higher marks among Hispanics, Asian Americans, and African Americans.” Our young today have no memory of the Cold War and socialism/communism; so many are easily deceived by the ideal utopian view without any understanding of the pain and death the socialist movements birthed in the world. They have no history of the enslavement and loss of freedom as they choose to give up their freedom birthright for the tyranny of government control and state planning. They fight against God and willingly put on the chains the devil has been wanting to wrap around them. They attack long held values to be replaced with mans ideas of equality, gender and marriage. They fight against the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution. They fight for what has been labeled social justice, which becomes nothing more than dictated opinions or rules that promote tolerance for only state approved thought. Many have been blinded to the repercussions, and long term dictates they will soon experience as they move away from the gift of freedom and into the halls of control and dictation. All of the things that these misguided souls hope to achieve will soon become nothing but severe loss and great disappoint with much suffering. The more we as a people move away from the Bible and God’s ways, we as nation will continue to see blessings replaced by chaos, confusion, frustration, and financial reversals we only as little as 10 years ago could have only imagined. We will instead see man in weakness look for solutions that no longer reflect past foundational truths. The arrogance of man will blame the challenges we face on everything from racism, bigotry, “man-made” global warming, politics, homophobia, and God Himself. Presuming upon their future without God is so unwise and secularism is a dead end philosophy. Let me inform you, you cannot outsmart or out-muscle our God. Winston Church said, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” President Donald Trump said, “I learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That is where the fun is.” These days are for me a very somber warning as I watch what is happening as the annals of history are filled with examples of great defeat and big changes that are happening very quickly. This is not an easy thing to write about; I love optimism and I love courage and freedom, and I am definitely a positive person. I love to encourage and build lives, but these days are haunting for me. These are vulnerable times as the nation teeters precariously on the edge while we are more prosperous than ever. The hope is that tomorrow will be the same as today, and life as we know it will go on and on and we can sin against God and expect no consequences. History is replete with examples of great civilizations and nations that now are on the garbage heap of world history. Once great, but now rubble. To my Christian brothers and sisters, now is the time! Let’s reach and preach boldly the love of Christ and watch the Holy Spirit transform big and little lives. Nothing changes until the heart changes and the only one who can change the heart is Jesus Christ. Pray for revival and divine wisdom. Repent and speak boldly and Biblically, and know God has given you great power and eternal freedom through the gift of His Spirit. Focus on solutions and victory, not the problems and challenges. God is all powerful, all knowing and is everywhere. Pray for restoration. Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man (nation) sows, he will also reap.” “Righteousness exults a nation but sin is a reproach.”